Friday, November 14, 2008

女孩和非洲野兽一起长大 狮子对她一见如故(图)





   迪斯尼动画片《森林王子》讲述了一名小男孩从小生活在原始森林中并和动物成为好朋友的故事,如今这一童话情节真实上演:现年18岁的法国女孩蒂皮・迪格里 自出生后,一直随摄影师父母在人迹罕至的非洲丛林中生活,将大象、非洲豹视为"兄弟"和"朋友"。直到10岁时,蒂皮才重返文明社会。一本新书《蒂皮:我 的非洲之书》披露了她的传奇经历。






   蒂皮的母亲西尔维说:"一次,蒂皮躺在一头名叫穆法沙的年轻幼狮身边,而后者还在温顺地添她的脚趾,我们立即把这一温馨画面拍摄了下来。但一年之后我们 再回去时,穆法沙已经长成了一头庞然大物。见到蒂皮之后,它立即热情地冲了上来,并友好地用它的长尾巴在蒂皮身上扫来扫去,就像一头猫咪一样。"

















Saturday, November 1, 2008

食物被夺气昏头 鹈鹕竟想吞掉狗

2008年11月01日09:36  来源:《现代快报》

   现年38岁的罗兰德・亚当是德国奥斯纳布吕克市附近一家珍稀鸟类农场的老板,他的农场中养着从鸵鸟到火烈鸟在内的各种各样的珍稀鸟类,其中包括一只名叫 "皮特里"的一岁大鹈鹕。不久前,亚当试图给鹈鹕"皮特里"喂一块冷冻鸡肉时,没想到农场中的罗得西亚猎狗"卡蒂吉纳"突然冲了过来,从半空中一口夺走了 亚当扔给鹈鹕"皮特里"的鸡肉。


   鹈鹕"皮特里"发现美食突然不见后,感到既困惑又气恼,它猜测是猎狗偷吃了它的食物,于是狐疑地将长喙伸进猎狗嘴中进行检查,而猎狗卡蒂吉纳也"配合" 地张嘴给鹈鹕进行检查,显示它嘴中并没有鸡肉。最后,鹈鹕"皮特里"发现自己无法从猎狗嘴里找回鸡肉后,气得决定取而代之以"狗肉"为食,将猎狗卡蒂吉纳 吞进肚里,它张开长喙,一口就咬住了比它还高的猎狗卡蒂吉纳的脑袋。所幸的是"皮特里"的嘴巴远远没有它的野心大,猎狗安然无恙地从鹈鹕嘴中将自己的脑袋 扯了出来。


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Don't Flee the Flea!

Don't Flee the Flea!

Control and Prevent Fleas in Your Home

By Franny Syufy,

You've seen them - tiny, quick creatures that scurry through your cat's fur, feasting on her blood, and causing painful itching - so bad that kitty may scratch herself raw in seeking relief. If you have a bad flea infestation in a multiple-cat household, you've probably been bitten yourself by these voracious feeders, and you may even have seen them hopping through your carpeting. (Did you know a flea can jump 33 cm. in one leap - over a foot?) I'm here to tell you - cat flea control is not only possible, it's relatively easy.

The most common flea which feeds off cats, dogs, and humans, is the Ctenocephalides felis. If you observe your cat scratching and aren't sure if fleas are the cause, use a flea comb on your cat and observe the tiny black dots that emerge on the comb - we commonly call it "flea dirt," but in reality, it is the excrement the flea leaves. Smash some with a damp paper towel, and it will turn red - that's the residue from your cat's blood - and a warning that cat flea control is indicated.

As if the itching and stinging weren't enough, fleas also transmit other conditions which can even have a more deleterious effect on your cat's health.

Common Flea "Hitch-Hikers"

  • Anemia:  Unchecked infestations of fleas can actually cause anemia from blood loss - sometimes fatal, particularly in kittens. Pale gums are a red flag for anemia in kittens, and their gums should be routinely checked if your kittens have just survived a flea attack.
  • Tapeworms:  With kittens, fleas and worms are practically synonymous, and kittens that are victimized by fleas should always be treated for worms.
  • Haemobartonellosis:  A more serious form of anemia, caused by a microorganism carried by the flea, the h.felis in the case of felines. Haemobartonellosis is diagnosed by laboratory tests and treated with antibiotics, steroids, and in some severe cases, blood transfusions. 

The Life of a Flea

The cycles of a flea are very like that of a butterfly, but unlike the beautiful end result of those flower-friendly creatures, the adult flea is a menace to all it encounters.
  1. Eggs:  Fleas lay their eggs on the host animal, where the entire cycle may take place. Other eggs fall off into the environment, e.g., your carpeting or kitty's bedding, or your own bed.
  2.  Larvae:  The larvae "hatchlings" feed on the feces left by the adult, and continue to develop for about a week.
  3. Pupae:  Like the butterfly, the larvae spins a cocoon for itself, where it continues to evolve into the adult flea - within another week or so on the host animal.
  4. Adult:  The emerging adult feeds on its host, mates, and continues the life cycle. Is it any wonder why cat flea control is so important?

Good Riddance!

With today's technology, there is no excuse for living with a flea infestation. You'll need to use a complete "shotgun" approach with flea control to break the cycle, followed by an ongoing flea prevention program.

Get Rid of the Eggs

This should be an ongoing program while the adult flea treatment is killing the live fleas.  Here are the steps you'll need to take:
  • Wash all bedding thoroughly.  While the bedding is free of coverings, vacuum the mattress, particularly in the crevices, where eggs might hide.
  • Vacuum carpeting daily and dispose of used vacuum bags.  I do not recommend placing flea collars in the vacuum bag, as the heat generated by the machine could cause noxious fumes.
  • Steam-clean carpeting.  This will kill any remaining eggs the vacuum might have missed.
  • If necessary, use a whole-house insect bomb which specifically targets fleas. It is critical to remove all food dishes and live animals, including birds during this process. You may consider hiring a professional for this job, but make sure he knows you have cats, and will use a cat-safe product.
  • Hire a professional  to treat outdoors areas. Insist on a "cat-friendly" product for this purpose.  If you have an outdoor cat, keep him confined inside for the day.
Your first job will be to eliminate as many fleas from your cat by combing and bathing.  Once the bulk of the tiny nuisances are gone, you can prevent further flea infestations with the use of a topical flea control product.
  • Comb the Cat:  Using a flea comb, comb carefully throughout the entire body of the cat. Keep a jar or bowl of diluted bleach nearby, and as you collect fleas on the comb, shake them into the jar. The fleas will die quickly.
  • Bathe the Cat:  If you and your cat are up to it, a bath will drown most remaining fleas. It isn't necessary to use a "flea" shampoo or a "flea dip" for this purpose. Just a mild cat or baby shampoo will do the job handsomely. If you've never bathed a cat before, check my step-by-step How To on Bathing Your Cat.

Topical Flea Control Products

There are several topical cat flea control products which work by affecting the nerve receptors of the flea. They are usually applied to the cat's skin at the back of the neck, and are collected in the hair follicles, from which the product is slowly released. Most topicals are labeled for once-a-month application, although in practice, they may work much longer.

Caution! Never use products labeled for dogs on cats. Also, I do not recommend flea dips, sprays, powders, or collars. If you choose to use such products, do your homework and be absolutely sure that the ingredients used are safe for cats.

Apply the topical product, following the directions for your age/size of cat.

  • Advantage: Uses imidacloprid as the active ingredient, and is generally regarded as safe for cats and kittens over six weeks of age. Does not kill ticks.  We personally use this product and have not seen a flea in our house for several years.
    Compare Prices
  • Frontline: Said to kill both fleas and ticks; Frontline uses a synthetic ingredient called fipronil, which may cause a temporary sensitivity in the area of application. 
    Compare Prices
  • Bio Spot for Cats: Bio Spot combines permethrin and an insect growth regulator (nylar) to kill eggs and larvae as well as adult fleas. It is active for as long as three months, when used as directed. Bio Spot may also cause sensitivity to the animal, and should not be used on kittens less than twelve weeks of age, geriatric, pregnant, or nursing cats.
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  • Revolution:  Its main ingredient is Selamectin, which is said to kill not only fleas and some ticks, but also ear mites, as well as offering protection against heartworm. Revolution stays in the bloodstream, and should not be used on kittens under six weeks of age. Since it is a systemic product, it may cause allergic reactions in some cats.
    Compare Prices

If you follow this cat flea control program scrupulously, fleas will soon be a distant memory in your household, and your kitties will be eternally grateful to you for freeing them from unwanted fleas and their hitch-hikers.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dealing With Kitten Diarrhea - Tips To Make It Better

Two weeks ago, seeing the cutest furry babies in a pet store display, I made the ultimate of impulsive decisions, I adopted two kittens. I hurriedly paid their adoption fee, which was to include their first round of shots and spay/neuter fees. Home we went when the little girl, Lucille Abigail Twinkletoes (Lulu for short), promptly had diarrhea. The smelly, messy, awful kind that gets all over and we still had 30 minutes of driving to do - yuck!

The other kitty, supposedly a boy, we were going to name LeRoy (more on that later) was unscathed by the ride home. Sure enough, when it came time for the litter box, he had diarrhea too.

Like every modern-day mom, I went online. I read good and bad advice because I didn't want to go to the emergency vet that night. Needless to say, one night of diarrhea was enough for me - I made a vet appointment. And here's what I learned that might help you out if you are going through the same experience of bad kitty diarrhea:

1. Feed your young pets. In my kittens case, I took 2 tablespoons of ground turkey, mixed in a tablespoon of pumpkin and cooked rice. They gobbled it up! I was also told that acidophilus - found in yogurt - was good for them. I have an issue feeding dairy to cats, it's a no-no for me, so I added a gel cap of powdered acidophilus to their turkey. They gobbled up more.

2. Make sure they are drinking water and water only to drink. Cows milk is not for kittens, it's for cows. As it was nighttime and the pet shops were closed, I could not get kitten milk replacement formula. So they drank water. Dehydration comes on quick in itty-bitty creatures so I watched and encouraged their drinking.

3. Food - this proved to be a problem. While I am in the pet business and I know that all pet foods are designed to be healthy and nutritious, they are not all equal. I chose a brand based on the pet shop recommendation (and my experience at trade shows). This brand, Solid Gold, I was informed by my vet, can cause loose stools. I decided to try a different brand, my vet suggested Science Diet Kitten Formula - what my other cat was eating. My vet's advice was to give all my felines the kitten formula, even to my (older) cat, instead of giving adult cat food to kittens - which I think they were being given at the pet shop.

4. Get a check for worms. Worms and parasites are common in kittens - especially those from a shelter with an unknown mother and history. Better to be safe than sorry.

5. Be wary of sneezing. Should sneezing be present, it can be a sign of a virus that could cause the diarrhea. Noticing signs like this will help the vet give good advice and is important. My kittens had no sneezing. Their fecal check was negative for worms. In my case the diarrhea must have been caused by their diet.

6. Keep kittens out of your other cat's litter boxes. If you have other cats in the house, it is important, especially in the first few days of introducing new kittens to your home, to have them use their own litter boxes.

7. Scoop kitten poop promptly. In my case it's hard to keep everyone out of all the litter boxes I have so I just tried to keep them meticulously clean. Not everyone like to be forced to go where it smells.

8. Antibiotics can cause diarrhea - just an FYI.

9. Keep an eye on kittens "movements" and keep in contact with your vet.

My new kittens, Lulu and Pearl (I found out 'Leroy' was actually a girl) are getting better. Not quite normal, but better. Diarrhea is a pain for everyone. But, with patience, good advice and good food, it gets better. It's not uncommon for diarrhea to last a month, but it doesn't have to. Let me know if you have any questions. After this experience, I feel like I got the scoop on the poop!

Julee Roth has been a life-long animal lover and pet industry veteran with over 12 years experience helping people and their pets. Hundreds of thousands of puppies, kittens, cats and dogs have benefited from her advice and well chosen pet products. To ask her for more pet advice, visit her web site,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

怀孕母麂不幸车祸遇难 顽强麂宝宝奇迹生 (ZT)




  这只小麂被大家亲切地称为鲁伯特。提前3周出生的它当时只有6英寸高(约15厘米),体重只有500克。来自英国白金汉郡的"提克温克尔斯 "(Tiggywinkles)野生动物医院的医生们赶紧给它吸氧并把它放进保育箱,鲁伯特5天大的时候终于睁开了眼睛,这令医生们既激动又开心。



Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finding vet care for guinea pigs can be a challenge


Finding vet care for guinea pigs can be a challenge
Posted on Sun, Jun. 01, 2008

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Q:About a year ago I started keeping guinea pigs as pets. They get along great with my cats and they've got more personality than anyone seems to give them credit for. The problem is that I can't seem to find a vet who really knows how to take care of them. Can you help?

A: Unfortunately, guinea pigs are in the same boat as rodents, rabbits, ferrets, birds and reptiles -- there just aren't that many vets who dedicate their careers to their healthcare. Birds, reptiles and ferrets have it easier, with plenty more vets willing to specialize in their medical needs. But chinchillas, rabbits, sugar gliders and hamsters? Good luck with that!

The problem is primarily economic. Because most small mammal owners are more willing to replace a pet rather than restore it to health, vets aren't sought for their expertise -- hence, no available experts.

In fact, veterinarians are often dissuaded from caring for these so called ''pocket pets'' based on the too-prevalent point of view that goes something like this: ``You want me to pay $200 and you don't even know if you can fix her? She didn't even cost $20!''

Though I applaud you for wishing to care for your guinea pigs as much as most pet owners care for their dogs and cats, veterinary services are simply unavailable at the same level. That's because, in addition to the ubiquitous concept of small mammal disposability, a minuscule amount of research has been devoted to these pets.

But that doesn't mean you should throw up your hands and forget about your pigs' care. I have two guinea pigs of my own and so far I've managed to piece together a patchwork of resources to make up for my own confessed ignorance on the subject of their healthcare.

First, find a veterinarian who has an interest in small mammal health. Veterinarians who limit their practices to exotic animals are usually your best bet, as they tend to have more experience with small mammals. Be aware that these vets don't come cheap. Expect to pay at least the same prices as for your traditional pets' care.

Next, educate yourself. Whatever your choice of nontraditional pet, there's at least one great Internet resource for you. A quick Google search will yield a stash of educational treasures you'd be shocked to know exist -- for free. For guinea pigs I strongly recommend

Dr. Patty Khuly practices in South Miami and blogs at Send questions to, or Dr. Dolittler, Tropical Life, The Miami Herald, 1 Herald Plaza, Miami, FL 33132

Friday, September 5, 2008

What You May Not Know About Hamsters: Their scent glands often fool owners and even some veterinarians

Microbiologist Elizabeth Johnson, a fourth-year student of veterinary medicine and surgery at Glasgow University School of Veterinary Medicine in Scotland, said her love for furry little creatures, including hamsters, has led to an unexpected discovery.

By Benjamin Alfonsi

For Veterinary Practice News


Microbiologist Elizabeth Johnson, a fourth-year student of veterinary medicine and surgery at Glasgow University School of Veterinary Medicine in Scotland, said her love for furry little creatures, including hamsters, has led to an unexpected discovery.


"They are not generally very well understood by owners and even by some vets," she said.


Johnson estimates she's had 60 to 70 pet hamsters throughout her life.


About Scent Glands

Owners and veterinarians should be aware of hamsters' scent glands' normal appearance and odor, Johnson said.


Even practitioners who treat exotics on a regular basis often admit not knowing much about hamsters, and perhaps most perplexing are hamsters' scent glands.


Melissa A. Kling, DVM, of Macon, Ga., is secretary of the Assn. of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians and has treated exotic pets for 20 years. Dr. Kling says hamsters' scent glands are also known as flank glands or hip spots.


"The scent glands are more prominent in males than females.  When the male is excited, it will lick its scent glands until the entire area is wet. It will also scratch and rub itself as if the area is irritated."


In addition to differences between the sexes, there is also variation among species.

"Scent glands are bilateral, and situated on the flanks of Syrian hamsters," Johnson said.


"On all of the domestic dwarf species-including Roborovskis, Campbells, winter whites and Chinese-they are single and situated on the ventral midline close to the umbilicus."


The appearance often varies further between species.


"In Syrians, the scent glands are flat, often greasy or wet looking, sometimes pigmented, and with some longer hairs over them," Johnson said.


"In dwarf hamsters, the glands are quite protuberant, sometimes hairless, often showing a greasy to waxy yellow secretion."


Kling said there is evidence that the secretions are used for territorial marking by males.


"Females also have these glands but they are not as easily identified, and the secretions are associated with the estrous cycle," she said.


Still, despite their biological functions, hamsters' scent glands can be unattractive.

"They look quite unclean in some hamsters," Johnson said, especially in Campbells and winter whites, also referred to as Russian dwarfs.

Warning Signs for Clients

Hamsters' scent glands, especially males', are enlarged and are sometimes mistaken for tumors.  Here are some warning signs you can provide clients that indicate something may really be wrong:


— Reluctance to be held or picked up

— Unusual aggression or nippiness

— Change in behavior/temperament

— Hunched-over posture

— Immobility

Physical Symptoms

— Inflammation

— Crusting

— Ulceration

— Redness or bleeding

— Pus buildup

— Unusual swelling

— Unusual discharge


Development and Odor

In all species, males' scent glands tend to be more prominent.


"The glands are fully developed at the time the hamster reaches sexual maturity," Kling said.


So is their smell, according to Johnson.


"The glands become most obvious at puberty and the odor is most obvious then too," she said. Some people could be put off by this smell, but it's really quite normal and natural.


"The scent glands' smell varies from unnoticeable in some hamsters to quite a strong, musky scent in others. It may be especially noticeable after handling dwarfs, when the ventral gland has brushed up against its handler's hand."


The smell of some female Syrians can often be potent.


Tumor "False Alarms"

The scent glands' appearance often causes concern and can appear to be tumor-like growths. And as a result of the lack of readily available information about hamsters' scent glands, owners and even practitioners can mistake the glands for tumors.


"One of the most common reasons hamsters are presented to a veterinarian is the owner mistakes the scent gland for a tumor," Kling said.


"Dwarf glands always look like tumors and often vets are not aware of the ventral location," Johnson said. "Syrian glands look less worrisome but again, owners notice the pigment or wetness and worry that there may be something wrong."


Treatment and Maintenance

"It complicates matters that scent glands, particularly in dwarfs, get infected sometimes and also develop tumors, which are usually malignant," Johnson said.


It is important, therefore, that owners know what the scent glands are and become familiar with the unique appearance of their own pet's glands.


Owners who notice an increase in size, unusual discharge, redness or bleeding, should be advised to see a veterinarian.


"Indication of a problem would be reluctance on the part of the hamster to be held or picked up; unusual aggression or nippiness; change in behavior and temperament," Johnson said.


"Pain in hamsters is often indicated by a hunched posture and reluctance to move. Also, look for localized inflammation, crusting, ulceration, bleeding or pus."


"If the gland becomes infected or inflamed from constant irritation by the hamster, castration may need to be considered along with appropriate topical therapy," Kling said.


Besides tumors, other medical problems related to hamsters' scent glands may arise. In older hamsters, neoplasia can occur, the most common being melanomas and hemangiosarcomas.


Male hamsters often bite each other's scent glands if housed together.


Advise owners to check them if there has been a fight. But male hamsters' squabbling can be more severe than just biting.


"Sometimes if male hamsters are housed together they may cannibalize each other's glands," Kling said.


Barring any of these problems, however, hamsters' scent glands don't require much maintenance.


"Healthy scent glands need no more attention than a look-over as often as possible to check for problems," Johnson said.


Benjamin Alfonsi is a free-lance writer based in New York City.


This article first appeared in the October 2004 issue of Veterinary Practice News.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


(来源:中国网 编辑:刘一川)











Wednesday, June 25, 2008


6月23日,一只猕猴宝宝在树上玩耍。入夏以来,贵阳市黔灵公园内放养的野生猕猴群中数十只猕猴相继做了妈妈,慈爱的猕猴妈妈与顽皮的猕猴宝宝成为公园里的感人风景。 新华社发(秦刚 摄)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

八阕 【7公斤“霸王猫”将95公斤黑熊赶到树上逃命(组图)】

信源:新京报|编辑:2008-06-22| 网址: 抄送朋友|打印保留

八阕 据报道,家住新泽西州西米尔佛德镇的唐娜・迪基家中饲养了一只远近闻名的虎斑猫"杰克"。这只体重7公斤的公猫现年10岁,作风一贯霸道,平时见到有陌生 人或动物"入侵",它便会毫不客气地朝着对方张牙舞爪。几天前的清晨,女邻居苏珊娜・吉奥瓦耐尼正在自家旁边的一片树林中散步,意外看到奇怪的一幕:一头 体重约95公斤的大黑熊爬上一棵高高的大树,浑身吓得蜷缩成一团。



起先苏珊娜并没太在意,因为西米尔佛德镇历来是新泽西州黑熊最爱光顾的地方,可是仔细一瞧,邻家霸王猫"杰克"此刻正站在大树底下不停地朝着高处发出一阵 阵狂叫。这时她才明白过来,原来是"杰克"将这位不速之客愣给赶上了大树,于是急忙用手中的数码相机记录下了这一难得一见的场景。

女主人"鸣金"召回霸王猫 "杰克"与大黑熊对峙了足足15分钟之后,前者看到后者已被自己治得服服帖帖,便准备打道回府。大黑熊一见小冤家走远,便放心地从15米的高处爬了下来, 不想对方竟然杀了个"回马枪",吓得它急忙又爬上了另一棵大树避难。这时女主人唐娜闻讯赶来,朝着爱猫连吹口哨示意鸣金收兵,"杰克"这才大摇大摆地跟随 主人班师回朝。可怜那大黑熊直到看到"杰克"彻底消失在视线中之后,才小心翼翼地爬下树来夺命狂逃。

据女主人唐娜后来介绍,"杰克"一向有着强烈的领地意识,平时只要其他小动物"入侵",便会立即被它驱逐出境,不过遇上如此庞然大物尚属首次。"我们全家 过去常开玩笑说,'杰克'能够看家护院。可是从来没想到它竟然会吓跑大黑熊。照我们猜测,它不欢迎其他任何动物造访它家的院子。"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hamster push-ups

Hamster with cherry tomato - Philadelphia Weekly

Hamster with cherry tomato - Philadelphia Weekly


